The Latest Version of the RetinaRisk App
We are excited to share with you that a new version of the RetinaRisk app is now available in the Apple Store and Google Play. Based on feedback from our users, we have redesigned the look of the app, made existing features more user-friendly and added several new features. We hope that this will make the RetinaRisk app even more valuable to our thousands of users.
Here’s a quick overview of some of the improvements in the new version and a few of the new features.
HbA1c in percentages
It is now possible to input the HbA1c values in percentages as well as mmol/mol. This is very important as the way HbA1c is displayed varies around the world.
Ease of use
Getting your diabetic retinopathy risk calculation is now easier than ever as users are invited to insert the non-modifiable risk factors (type and duration of diabetes, gender, retinopathy) up front and save the setting. This should take no longer than 30 seconds. Subsequently, the user only needs to enter the HbA1c and blood pressure values for each risk calculation.
Risk analysis
Risk analysis is one of the new features we are introducing in the updated version of the RetinaRisk app. Risk analysis tells the user which are the key risk factors impacting his/her individualized risk calculation. The key risk factors could be high blood sugar and/or blood pressure level as well as duration of diabetes. It is hugely valuable to users to have data driven results that demonstrate which are their key risk factors and how improvement of the modifiable risk factors could significantly lower the risk of potentially blinding diabetic eye disease and expensive interventions. This empowers and motivates persons living with diabetes to become an active participant in their own wellness journey and to better understand their condition resulting in enhanced self-care.
Language options
The app is now available in three languages, English, German and Icelandic with other languages such as Spanish, French, Urdu and Arabic to follow shortly.
In the coming weeks we will be giving you more details on these and many more features that are included in the new version of the RetinaRisk app in our weekly post so stay tuned.