RetinaRisk And The Diabetes Centre Sign An Agreement
Last week, Retina Risk and The Diabetes Centre in Pakistan signed a Memorandum of Understanding outlining joint efforts to eradicate preventable vision-loss and blindness due to diabetes in Pakistan.
The Diabetes Centre is a not-for-profit organization formed to serve all patients regardless of race, religion, socioeconomic status or geographic location, with the aim to alleviate human suffering related to diabetes and its complications among those least able to withstand the burden of disease. The Diabetes Centre has been treating underprivileged diabetes patients and spreading awareness about diabetes in Pakistan since 2012 and has treated over 17,00 patients cost-free in a country where over 12% of adults suffer from the condition, which is reaching epidemic proportions.
Through the use of the Retina Risk App, The Diabetes Centre will empower its diabetic patients to better understand their individualized risk of developing sight-threatening eye disease and provide them with a practical in-hand tool for accessing educational material about diabetes and eye care.
The Retina Risk team looks forward to this fruitful and long-term collaboration. In a future blog post we will introduce The Diabetes Centre and its valuable work in more detail, so stay tuned.