Weekly news from the product team
In this weekly blog from the product team, I ́ll be sharing what we ́re working on to make the RetinaRisk app better, soliciting feedback from you, the reader and discussing other products and features that we are exploring.
Want to be a part of the product development process by giving us your feedback?
Feel free to send me an email to aegirthorst@retinarisk.com with any questions or comments you might have.
Back-end work
We are starting the year 2020 by working to make improvements to our backend operations and structure. This will enable us to respond to any challenges faster than before resulting in a development process that is more agile. This will also make all existing features better over time with enhancements being introduced throughout the year to make your experience even better.
Bug fixes
We will soon begin work on a number of smaller bug fixes across the RetinaRisk app. This includes items such as improving the launch time of the app, making the sliders more responsive and issues with manual login. We want the app experience to be as seamless as possible and are working hard to address any issues that might arise.
Data privacy
We take your data privacy very seriously and we want to be better at communicating to you the work we have done to make your data as secure as possible. We will be highlighting items such as our privacy policy and terms of services which will give you, the user, insight and transparency into how we address and organize these matters.